One of the best proximity chat systems to date. Extremely fun with friends and one of the best comedy/horror games which is a surprisingly good combo

Beautiful story telling with a half baked ending cliff hanger. Same halo gameplay we all know and love

Fun rhythm game with less fun community support

Assassins creed in VR, melee combat sucks but other than that it’s kind of a dream come true. Interacting with the mixed reality portion felt like one of the coolest things ever

Fun and tactical VR shooter but it has its flaws

John wick simulator. One of my go to’s whenever I want to introduce a friend to VR


One of the most polished and fun VR multiplayer shooters

Funny and interesting vr puzzle game does the spy trope very well

Fun multiplayer platforming game

Objectively subjectively the best rhythm game

Has one of the most fun movement systems in any game ever. It’s a joy just to get a around from place to place once you get the hand of the controls