One of the best proximity chat systems to date. Extremely fun with friends and one of the best comedy/horror games which is a surprisingly good combo

The least definitive way to play mario kart

Probably the best psychological horror experience I’ve ever had. I’m so thankful I went into this 100% blind

One of the only games where I built a genuine connection to all the characters… for such a weird little indie game this had a profound and lasting impact on me.

Beautiful story telling with a half baked ending cliff hanger. Same halo gameplay we all know and love

Fantastic VR game told a very meta story prior to it being nerfed (game goes down to 2 1/2 starts post update)

One of if not the best 2D Mario game

The definitive way to play black ops on a ds

Not without its flaws but a huge innovation for the Zelda series and what got me into the franchise

One of if not the greatest and most innovative VR games to date. In my opinion this game did to VR what games like half life did to pc shooter games.

High score is mostly out of nostalgia but the gameplay is still fun and holds up today

Great Mario kart game that introduces a ton of fun customization mechanics to the game

One of the best console MK games with a still thriving modding and online scene


One of the most polished and fun VR multiplayer shooters