Art was nice until the friend streaming it downloaded some DLC and it became porn kms

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It’s dogs… on a Nintendo

The definitive way to play black ops on a ds

Fun and charming cross between a puzzle game and a platformer

Extremely polished and competent VR survival game with some of the best gunplay VR has to offer. Insanely realistic gun mechanics and maintenance. Enemies are the perfect mix of mysterious and horrifying.

One of if not the greatest and most innovative VR games to date. In my opinion this game did to VR what games like half life did to pc shooter games.

BOTW “DLC” except that DLC just about doubled the amount of BOTW I played

One of the only games where I built a genuine connection to all the characters… for such a weird little indie game this had a profound and lasting impact on me.

Probably the best psychological horror experience I’ve ever had. I’m so thankful I went into this 100% blind

High score is mostly out of nostalgia but the gameplay is still fun and holds up today

Great Mario kart game that introduces a ton of fun customization mechanics to the game

It’s Minecraft… what more is there to say

The GOAT of 3DS games. Easily the best in the AC series