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1 day

Last played

October 28, 2021

Platforms Played


I like Pikmin Bloom. It's fun to go on walks and see your small army of purple Pikmin (the best ones) marching behind you as flowers pop up in your path. And it makes for a nice end of day routine to see everywhere that you went that day and journal it.

However, the thought creeps in from time to time: "What is the point of this really?" I already walk and hike plenty, less so now that the sun is down when I get off work, and I even have apps that track that stuff better than this one. Is it just the aesthetic pleasure? Well, mostly yes, unfortunately.

Maybe I don't live in a big enough city, or at least one big enough to have been noticed by Niantic, but my local area has very few flower buds in the app so I don't really get to engage with that side of the app much. Maybe my afternoon and evening walks just aren't long enough, but I feel like I am constantly topping out on nectar and flower petals to spread around as my Pikmin earnestly bring me more and more. (I can spend $1.99 to upgrade my storage capacity though!) I've nearly stopped sending them on expeditions altogether. The vast majority of points of interest in my area seem to be roadsides, at least according to Niantic, as that's the type of Pikmin I seem to find regularly.

I've had a good time with Pikmin Bloom, and I plan to continue playing it daily for the time being. I just wonder how soon the magic will wear off.