SFC Adventure/Point-and-Click/Visual Novel recs

These types of games are very overlooked on the system. Look forward to my Tegami fan translation as well

Deluxe edition is rec'd since it backports exclusive story content from the PS1 version while keeping the SNES version's aesthetic and even adding mouse controls. One of the best horror games ever and really impressive in how early it was, but 1000% play with speedup. Can't wait for the new HD port.
Official translation is preferred since the fan translation takes too many out of place liberties such as Silence of the Lambs being a book in the library, not to mention more grammar issues and unnecessary swearing, as well as details like Vera's role in the world being lost. This spoils elements of Chrono Trigger so obviously don't play it first, but it is a great sequel which far eclipses Chrono Cross IMO
One of the most important VNs ever, now with a new translation. Full review here https://www.backloggd.com/u/C_F/review/1456066/
This was translated on iOS but sadly only on 32-bit systems and it uses a fuckawful 4kids tier localization. Rec'd for fellow Japanese readers.
Easily rec'd for fellow Japanese readers.
Great game that's basically the prototype for RPG Maker walking sims.
Enhanced version of Metal Slader Glory that came out during the 2000s of all times
Fully in English now. Possibly the most important dating sim ever made.
Be warned this shit is long. Pac-Man 2 but competent
Basically the first otome game ever?


22 days ago

I could have been given misinfo but isn't the SFC version of Tokimeki like the worst one to play? I know it's in english but kind of been discouraged to try it ever since I watched a video saying that.

22 days ago

Pac-Man 2.....does she ever stop being amazing folks?

21 days ago

@Angel_Arle maybe? It's still fun tho and pshort anyways

12 days ago

About Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut.

This director's cut was released after a sequel (Metal Slader Glory 2) was cancelled for the N64 Disk Drive. Hence why it came out in the year 2000, even though it is a Super Famicom game.


12 days ago

BTW, I just wishlisted some games here I didn't know about, thanks for the list. =P

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