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Game #7 of my "seasonal game binge"

One of the most unique shmups I ever played. Mechanically, it really stands out despite the huge crowd. The player can spam bullets, pick up just about any item in the game from wrecking balls to fucking giraffes to swing or throw around as weapons, shoot lightning, and even run along the ground after losing their ship. That's right, the hit points are surprisingly lenient for a shmup. The vehicles can last multiple hits before exploding and then the player has a chance to go on top of another vehicle or even an animal such as an elephant. It's doubly epic in 2 player mode where players can actually swing each other around. The sheer genius programming I'm sure it took to implement all of this must be insane.

Boogie Wings uses a level select in the style of Mega Man. There is not really any point to this since there is not an RPS system or anything, but it's ultimately harmless so this isn't a knock against the game. The levels have a surprising amount of variety. Some levels will have no boss fights, some will have extremely elaborate boss fights, some will take place in a dinosaur museum while others will take place in a Christmas town, and so forth. My favourite is the final level because it feels like a "build your own level" built by a child. All sense of coherent level design is thrown out the window to squeeze in every single item in the game within a span of two minutes. It's exhilarating and I rarely ever see games show this sheer lack of restraint.

Perhaps my favourite part of the game overall, however, is the credits sequence. It's fully playable; the player can shoot things during the credits sequence as beautiful hand-drawn art is displayed while funny nicknames of the staff members fly by. It even ends with the classic jolly line: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/826960021274492948/925725540932010015/unknown.png

Graphically, I would not say Boogie Wings is an ultra detailed game or anything but it has some elaborate objects with numerous parts and with so many things flying around on screen it's understandable; the pixel art still more than gets the job done. I especially enjoy the Christmas stage due to the sheer amount of shit going on ranging from unique billboards in different areas, easter eggs like the actual Santa Claus in the background of the evil Santa fight, and MERRY XMAS advertisements the players can squash evil soldiers with.


A big shoutout must be made to the music as well. It mostly just uses famous classical music for the foundation, but there is something oddly charming about hearing a hyper remix of Jingle Bells and other Christmas songs form into a medley for the Christmas town. Also a Castlevaniaesque remix of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for the haunted house boss? Pure Chef's kiss


Oh yeah the story. There is a dialogue branch at the end where the villain asks you to join his side. I just ignored it lol.