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Sony apparently doesn't mind embarrassing itself with the release of Tail of the Sun. Probably one of the worst games ever made. The graphics have the quality of caveman carvings. Yes, we are aware of the irony that the game is about a caveman. The play control is also incredibly unrefined. Sometimes you must try several times to pick up an item that's right in front of you. Basically, you run around munching zillions of food chunks while trying to expand your tribe. The ultimate goal is to build a tower of mammoth tusks reaching to the tail of the sun. From just the footage you see here, you can tell how incredibly pathetic this game is. There's a quote from PSX Power on the back of the CD case. It reads

"This is one of the most immersive games we have seen on the Playstation."

Well at least one good thing can come from Tail of the Sun. We all know not to read PSX Power.