It's a perfectly fine way to play nonograms if you finished all the Picross games on Switch and need more. The fact that all the puzzles are based on characters and iconography from SoS is neat.

On the one hand, it's not as precise in telling you what parts of a line you've finished compared to Picross, nor does it allow you to mark spaces with temporary marks, but on the other hand this game has an extremely helpful feature that shows you how many squares you've filled in when you hover your cursor over a line, saving you a lot of counting. Technically, the game has some awkward sound mixing (and an extremely grating song that plays when the main menu is in "summer" theme), but more importantly it occasionally registers inputs twice if you mark too quickly. For instance, if you mark a space and then immediately press a direction on the pad, the cursor will move two spaces, and this gets annoying real quick.

All that besides, it's still a perfectly functional puzzle game. I wouldn't recommend it over the like 10 Picross games from Jupiter Corp. on the eShop, but it's hard to mess up nonograms.

Finally managed to get the true ending! To be honest, this game was kind of a letdown at launch, with it being way too difficult for my smooth brain to get any enjoyment out of. But coming back to it recently, they've added a ton of ways to tinker with the difficulty, and as a result it's incredibly addicting now! There's a ton to unlock too, from new ways to play to cosmetics, so I'll continue playing this for a while.
Speaking of cosmetics, this game looks fantastic, and the music may be Jake Kaufman's best work since Mighty Switch Force!

Absolutely incredible game. The story is wild, heartwarming, funny, sad, and cool as hell. The characters are all amazing, especially the party members, and Ichiban himself is the best successor to the role of main character this series could ask for.
The music is all around spectacular, and I'm gonna be honest: the English dub is the best I've ever heard. I actually cried from the final voice performances from Kaiji Tang (Ichiban), it was so powerful.
Pretty much the only reason this isn't a 5/5 is because of some gameplay stuff with the turn based battle system, which the studio clearly wasn't entirely an expert at. A weird midgame difficulty spike, and that your positioning affects a lot of moves, when there isn't any way to influence that.
But yeah, I wholeheartedly recommend this game. It's a fantastic place to start the series, too.