Recommended by Lob the Dob

Sorry Lob, I can't do this.

Mechanics of this are very solid, I love platformers that have a lot of options backed in the moveset. This game has 4 (!) different ways to break your fall which easily combine into each other, and similar breadth of options propagates to enemies too. In no situation it's not fun to control which is definitely the most remarkable thing NUU achieved here.

The problem is, the difficulty stacks against the player so hard it reaches Volgarr the Viking levels of bullshit past the midpoint of the campaign. The levels are LONG, you die in 2-3 hits while food items restore 1/10th of the healthbar, checkpoints aren't numerous even after the supposed update, and Yuuka's hitbox is so large it's hard to be precise with the movement. Clamped together it makes for a very frustrating game where I don't feel like I'm that much in control. Plus the use of Touhou here is more or less for a backdrop with no regards for canon which I don't hold against it, but a big part of the enjoyment of Touhou fangames for me comes from how they deal with characters and concepts of the universe and adapt staple mechanics of danmaku games.

Really thought this'll be a hit for me and I'm disappointed I have to put it away, maybe I'll give it another go sometime later to see if I can crack it past the fourth world.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2022


1 year ago

If it's any consolation the third world (the lava area) is the hardest part imo. If you can get past that I think you can get through the rest of the game once you're feeling in the mood again. I agree that Yuuka's hitbox is too large for some of the platforming movement the game demands of you.

1 year ago

I got through world 3 somehow but it broke me inside
I had a lot of similar issues difficulty wise but was still able to push through it in the end, once you get past the magma world, which is the hardest one, there's only about 2 more levels that will push you to insanity after that fact.

I've heard that the steam port's easy mode actually alleviates a lot of these issues with more checkpoints / health apparently, I plan to try it out sometime myself to see for sure. If this is true, I'd recommend giving another shot with that difficulty instead, as it might be more manageable and enjoyable for you that way/