Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 22, 2021

First played

November 30, 2020

Platforms Played


The Good:
-Solid voice acting
-Fun combat
-Engaging story

The Ok:
-Exploration can be annoying

The Bad:
-Horrendous frame rate
-Many glitches
-General unpolished feel

I started Fallen Order around a year ago, but dropped it not far into it because I was shocked by its technical problems. Well I’m definitely glad I played through it now, but those problems still remain. To start, the story itself is actually pretty good, and the characters are solid. I was thoroughly invested the whole ride. The voice acting is also good, if not phenomenal (still better than most games). The combat is where the meat of the enjoyment is, however. It just feels awesome to finally have a single player Star Wars Jedi video game, and this game delivers on that front. You feel so badass as you force pull a trooper to you, and then stab him. The exploration side of gameplay is also solid, but it could really use some work. For one, the map system is very obtuse sometimes, and it could really use effective color coding. Also, the game would really benefit from a fast travel option made available after you beat the story, as it gets very tiring traversing a planet for 10 minutes just to find one chest, and then repeat it all to get back to your ship. Now, I must address the elephant in the room: this game is unfinished. I know a lot of people say that about a lot of games, but I am legitimacy shocked that this game was allowed to ship like this, and that the issues are still present a year after release. For one, the frame rate is awful, and it’s probably the worst out of any game I’ve ever played, ever. It gets so bad that around once an hour, it will just pause the entire game and load for a few seconds. On a PS4 Pro, with Performance Mode enabled, this is just unacceptable. Other glitches are aplenty, including texture pop-ins, weird hit-boxes, and once only the audio for a cutscene played, showing a black screen. I’ll be honest, I got used to it all just because the combat was so fun and I was invested in the story. But the fact remains that this feels like a game a good six months from release, maybe longer. With fast travel, a better map system, and a level of actual polish, this game would be phenomenal. As it stands, it’s only good, and that’s a real shame. I’m still looking forward to the sequel, though.