I didnt't dislike this game. Even though it's a jank-fest. Best Futurama game ever!

Worst game. Couldn't even get it to start. Thanks Capcom.

Near perfection packed into a purple little package. Not much else to say honestly.

Just when you think Shadow was the edgiest boy. Along comes Infinite to be the edgiest of boys! Also not a very good game sorry.

A Shadow the Hedgehog game? Good idea! A game where you have to play through the campaign 10 times to get the true ending? Not so much.

This game is jank central but ffs I can't bring myself to not like it

How can a game be so iconic yet so shit at the same time??

Big auntie cat is the best and worst part of this game!!

Game is slightly better than the first for me. The first had the better story though

Boris is a good boi and deserves a good game

I was bioshocked by how fantastic this game was


If you like cats or robots or cats AND robots then this definitely a great game

Every decision they made when it came to the development and release of this mess were the worst possible decisions they could have made. Massive disappointment.

Short but sweet. Loved when Charles choo-chood and made me piss on the floor. Great stuff!