It's hard to really review a game about this when it's one best experienced completely without spoilers. So without going into much detail, I can at least say it is one of the meaningful times I have had with a video game. For the first time in a long while, I was completely absorbed with what I was playing. My headphones were in, my lights were turned completely off, I was fully immersed and thinking only about what I was playing until the journey was done.

The game itself is a puzzle with such a large-scope that you don't even know what you're trying to solve.. until you do. That instant your mind hits a stunning revelation is unlike anything else in this game, you venture into a new location so important that it has its own dedicated song you feel the chill bumps on your arms, what you find there solves a question you've been asking for hours leaving you in shock, but you suddenly remember what this knowledge in turn unlocks for you and you're already venturing off to the next location. This game is an Odyssey, and you're both a Pilot and a Voyager in the madness of Space and Time.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2022
