The Beginner's Guide isn't as much of a game as it is an experience, much like Journey or Abzu it's truly something you're really only going to play through once as a cinematic piece. And just like those, this game is truly beautiful, but in a very unique way that both curious and mystifying.

Told through a vocal narrator, The Beginner's Guide is a walkthrough of the various games created by the Narrator's friend. He tells you about the game as you go along, and a little bit of the history of their personal relationship as well. This is the entire game, and yet it's enough to be absolutely riveting because of how well this narrative plays out. The actual games within it can be viewed more like set pieces, and they serve very effectively in helping flesh out the storyline. They're all pretty special in their own way, and are often loaded with metaphorical meanings behind the game elements, with a lot of them actually being told by the narrator to ensure that less astute players can enjoy the experience.

I would say that The Beginner's Guide is one of the mandatory games in existence, everyone should play it. The storyline is wonderful, the scenery is beautiful, and the Narrator voices his part particularly well. If you're a fan of games that serve as a medium for interactive experiences, then you might truly find a golden gem out of this one.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2022
