Monument Valley is a beautiful creation that shows atmosphere and mystique are capable of winning over hearts. Set in a world of broken geometry, the player is tasked with returning sacred relics to the ruined kingdom whilst traversing the various monuments throughout the world.

The puzzles in the game never require too much thought, for the most part, you'll mainly just be appreciating the wonderful sound design alongside the amazing atmosphere. There are quite a few moments that have powerful impacts to them, showing a clear level of success given the rather simplistic visual style. The 3d abstractions found throughout the game are also pretty stellar to look at, even replaying the game I still find myself wooed by their mystifying style.

At its time of original release, I found Monument Valley to be perhaps the best mobile game. Now that it has come to Steam with a Panoramic Mode, I think it still lives up to its reputation. I would recommend it to all who are comfortable with a simple relaxing experience that takes less than 3 hours to complete.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2022
