The Great Ace Attorney duology has hung over me way long than it should have. Playing both these games has taken me over 2 years, and while that’s partially caused by me flowing in and out of interest with it, a lot of it has to do with my biggest problem with the game. The pacing.

It’s not that previous Phoenix Wright games have had great pacing, but because the plot here is much more dense I think some cases drag on longer than they need to. Both games also aren’t immune to the leaps in logic and questionable character choices the other games have, while it didn’t bother me too much I still noticed it sometimes.

Even though I have issues, there’s still a lot of great things about these games. The new gameplay is fun, the cast is solid, and the cases are consistently strong with a great overarching story that makes some amazing moments in the end game. It’s definitely worth playing for both OG’s and newcomers to the series (also AA7 when???).

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
