Fallout New Vegas was an amazing game that has an incredibly flushed out story with various dialogue tweaks depending on how you play. Each npc had their own personality which made it feel like you were really in the world of fallout.

Unfortunately though, there are some major flaws in the game. For starters, the game crashes very frequently, even with performance mods. You can expect to crash every time you go through a door or enter a new area of the map, and the vats targeting system will sometimes bug out and keep you in the animation for long after your opponent is dead. These bugs were annoying but not enough for me to dislike this game.

Fallout 3 was a great game riddled with bugs and performance issues. The story itself was amazing, you are a vault-born kid who flees their comfortable life in search of their father who has fled. The wasteland is unforgiving to new players, and if you go into this game thinking it is just a post-nuclear shooter you will quickly find yourself uninstalling it.

The bugs are the main issue with this game. It is no secret that this game is outdated, it came out so long ago after all. The biggest issue is performance though. I have a 3070 ti and experienced major stutters in many parts of the map along with overall low framerate, mods can help with this.

Overall this is an amazing game with a deep story but is held back by bugs and performance issues, but if you can get past that then you will find yourself enthralled in the world and characters.

Cyberpunk was one of those games that you just won't ever experience ever in your life again. Dive deep into this world and you will see why people say "there are no happy endings in nigh city". From simple side missions to the main story itself, tragedy will follow you, and that is what I believe makes this game so good. It had a questionable launch, but I can confidently say now that this is my most favorite game to ever be released.