I got to live out my dream playing this.

I turned this game and started it then forgot I was farming.

I have too many hours in this game.

It's a fun game, I enjoyed it.

Woke my family up at 3am. Never playing again though..

Used to play a ton on web, the version now is quite sad since they put more effort into the mobile game..

I had a hard time actually escaping because doing the right thing is fun.

The people in this game are hilarious...sometimes there's no one online though.

Fun and strategic. Though it can be annoying and difficult.

I prefer Overwatch one.
I tried it a few weeks after it first came out. Though nothing can compare to OW1.

Awful people. Awful moderation. Awful game design.
...but I'm still addicted...

Great game.. I've beaten the story mode 3+ times. Online is a bit ruthless though.