4 reviews liked by Celo1337

Rain World; Fez; Environmental Station Alpha. If your reaction is "hell yeah" to any of these following games, then you'll love Animal Well.

Decently sized metroidpuzzlevania that rewards exploration and incentivizes the player to tinker and break the game whenever possible. Great movement mechanics, inventive gadgets, fantastic sound design, excellent puzzles and a well-thought map and level design. Minimal handholding is part of the intended experience, but the game does an excellent job of subconsciously guiding us toward breakthroughs and "A-ha!" moments.

Some players will watch the credits roll and feel satisfied while others will spend many more hours unearthing every little secret in the game - and boy there's plenty of them. I feel like I hit a barrier at 52 eggs, and that's perfectly OK.

I don't like dunkey that much, but he didn't lie. This game actually is like halo 2 meets halo 3

cool tech demo with subpar horror

É puramente e simplesmente uma tragédia, nada de bom acontece e você também não faz nada que presta. Ser jogada dentro da vida de alguém tão conturbado quanto o protagonista e podendo inclusive escolher o QUÃO conturbado que ele é, é excelente.

Amei a estética e amei como ele representa os próprios conceitos que cria no jogo. Ele é maluco, desorienta e atiça. Espero ansiosamente pelo resto da história