This is the most nintendo game nintendo has ever made.

The perfect integration between Zelda's story and gameplay, that just had me hooked from beginning to end. So of course they had to fuck up the controls.

If I were to give you an analogy, playing skyward sword, it's like owning a super expensive car but the steering wheel is the zonai stick from Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom may have not won GOTY
But Zelda games sure have won my heart

I love how they implemented the slide to make attacks more annoying to dodge

Finally can take revenge on the bitch godzilla

I will never EVER enter a boat's engine room again

Such a great fire emblem, embodies the spirit of the franchise perfectly without MISSing a single detail, I hate it.
I would say fe6 is the most hit or MISS game out of all gba fire emblems, and it's kinda easy to see where the hate comes from when you have ambush spawns and double bolting sages in a fog of war map. But don't let that scare you, this game is so much more than that. New characters come in at an alarming rate, seriously, the amount of playable units is so large, that by the time you realize Wolt and his 4 damage iron bow are MISSing from your team because a
silver lance wyvern reinforcement just spawned on top of him, you already have 5 new characters fighting by your side. It's an all-out war, and it feels like one. Other fe games fail to do this, as they are treated more like isolated conflicts. Such a shame the rest of the world MISSed out on this game, as it is Japan-exclusive.

After playing fe7 and fe6, not gonna lie, I will MISS the continent of Elibe and its terrible playable lords...

I don't see the appeal in beat em ups, it feels so repetitive and having to line a character with the enemies just to hit them in a 3d wanna-be environment isn't very fun.

Zingers? More like stingers, god damn I hate those guys

Who would win?

A ninja with a dragon sword and spinning slashes

One feather boy

💀About to win game of the year again this year💀

I was having a blast with the game and getting by with only a few save states here and there.

But the final boss made me use the rewind feature because of some unavoidable attacks, the ending is quite bad and drags down the experience a little.