3 Reviews liked by Cerebralbore101

Definitely better than the reboot but in some ways it falls short of what made previous games so great
The plot is pretty good for the series’s standards, goes in some pretty satisfying directions and it’s interesting to see how they play around with the staple characters
Gunplay is pretty alright too but some guns don’t really feel all that fun to use
Level design tho is where things get a hit sour as most of the planets are not as explorable or memorable as previous games, with some exceptions
In general, the game feels a but rushed and unpolished, with some bugs regarding level geometry and enemy behavior
Overall, I was satisfied with the game, although a bit let down as I was hoping this would be the return to form of the franchise while it just kind of feels like they’re trying to streamline the franchise in order to make it fit amongst Sony’s first parties

While some elements haven't survived the test of time well, namely controls and a couple tedious levels, it's not hard to understand why Banjo-Kazooie is still fondly remembered as a blockbuster 3D platformer to this day.

extremely basic and plodding stuff—you can barely call it a castlevania clone—but the style, atmosphere, music, designs, etc. all draw me in and a game some may find mediocre becomes, to me, supremely comfy.