4 reviews liked by Cervine

Gather round, kiddies, and let me tell you about the time I pre-ordered Starcraft: Ghost and then found out that it wasn't going to ever be released... and then the store I pre-ordered it from closed.

Fast forward 15ish years and an unfinished (understatement) version of the game leaked and I finally got to see what could have been!

You play as Nova, the "Ghost" (military with telekinetic abilities, in short) in a 3rd person stealth/action shooter.
Giving the benefit of the doubt - the version of the game we can see was a work in progress - but it really does look like it was shaping up to be a game I was not going to particularly enjoy. Did 2006 really need another Metal Gear Solid/Syphon Filter/Tom Clancy style game? I guess we'll never know, but that's definitely what it almost got.

Genshin Impact if it was good

hi-score game of choice for lead poisoning victims, florida-wide.

The definition of "we have Diablo at home".