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Cess007 completed Sea of Stars
Sea of Stars is an interesting game. It is clearly influenced by the 16-bit era of RPGs, specially Chrono Trigger but it just doesn't reach the same highs.

While you have several characters, their interactions feel a bit rushed and in need of being explored a bit more in order for you to care more about them.

The gameplay can turn a bit repetitive by the end, specially as the "lock" mechanic can feel a bit cheap when enemies give you almost no-time to break their sequence. The repetition can be felt a bit more if you try to go for the True Ending as you are forced to grind to complete certain objectives.

However, the game is still a good, sweet throwback to the SNES era of JRPGs. Sea of Starts does nothing groundbreaking, but manages to pay good homage of what we loved of the games of that era. And it look gorgeous!

13 days ago

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