21 reviews liked by CesurTheGuy

The best level design and story of the series. Will sadly never be topped

This might become my favorite game by From Software. The atmosphere and aesthetics in this game are top tier. It manaages to create a truly alien feeling world that you don't belong in. A dream like qulaity that feels like a location your mind creates in a vivid dream that sticks with you for years. A game that looks and feels like it wouldn't be real. Someone said to me "it looks like something posted on the "games that don't exist" twitter account." and I 100% agree.

The ending is the weakest part of this game. It has me torn between rating this game a 5 like i want to and a 4.5 because the final "area" is a wet fart compared to everything else.

Highly recommend playing it

An aggravated bowel movement compressed to a disk and sold for $60


In all seriousness this game refines all the rough edges of the original game to a sleek razors edge. A prime example of "The Perfect Sequel." Comparing this game to its remake, Kiwami 2, only further shows the amazing pacing the first 2 games had that was ruined with the excessive amounts of bloat in their lesser remakes. I don't care what anyone says this game has aged amazingly and anyone who says its unplayable is wrong. Of course its not without its issues like missable substories but its still easily one of the best entries. Ryuji Goda still remains the best foil to Kiryu the series ever had

Bring back Sayama, Nagoshi, you fucker. I miss my wife

mechanically deep as a shot glass but one of the most visually unique games i've ever played

i wish they made a good fighting game instead of a good "ALL SPECIAL MOVES" youtube video simulator