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4 days ago

ChrisEatsBees is now playing Black Mesa

4 days ago

ChrisEatsBees completed Hitman

4 days ago

ChrisEatsBees is now playing Hitman

4 days ago

ChrisEatsBees completed Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Where episode 1 was weird and just like an extra footnote to HL2, not really doing much interesting gameplay-wise, barely leaving City 17 at all, episode 2 really pushes the plot forward and does it much better than episode 1. The gameplay and level design is much cooler in this one with the forest environments, vortigaunt partner, and extended usage of the car (which I loved playing around with). Hunting grubs was pretty fun in the mines (though I missed around 20), but the intense focus on antlions throughout like 60% of the game was a bit strange. One thing that annoyed me was the strider defense segment near the end- I ended up working it out fine, but it was quite annoying at first especially with the horde of hunters that would just shoot the bomb out of your hands. In all, super good game and is furthermore retroactively even more interesting due to the ending of Half Life Alyx.

6 days ago

ChrisEatsBees completed Half-Life 2: Episode One
Don't really know what to make of this game tbh. Its a nice addendum to HL2, and I really enjoy seeing the aftermath of the game, but the game itself is... I guess lackluster? If the entire thing only had Gordon using the gravity gun, and maybe at the VERY end giving him some weapons, it would have been pretty challenging and interesting. Instead you're given normal weapon progression, which is fine, but it starts making me feel like "What was the point of this?" Obviously it leads into Episode 2, but the journey's fast pace and short time to reach the end made me a little confused. Also erm kill yourself Alyx with that zombine pun shit

9 days ago

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