Dishonored 2012

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 8, 2022

First played

May 20, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Play it. Play it in whatever way lines up with your gameplay style. Aggressive action combat game, ruthless shrouded killer, or unseen ghost that kills only VIP targets, all avenues are available to those that bear the Mark. I think that Dishonored is, somehow, still undervalued despite its reputation as a standout game. Few games will give you such a delightful mix of world building and innovative game mechanics, which even after follow-ups and copycats manages to feel original and hyper polished. I don’t know that I have ever wanted to be better at a game than I do with Dishonored and, if we’re being real, that’s probably endorsement enough.

“Man that bumbles his way through every game craves mastery of ten year old game.” - I may as well have just written that sentence and not bothered with the rest of the write up.

Full essay here: