Log Status






Time Played

5h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 4, 2022

First played

October 3, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A solid fusion of the chore simulation genre and jump scare horror. While the actual mortuary work itself is unchanging, the constant threat of other concerns keeps that part of the game loop feeling fresh. Eventually though, as with most chore sims, the work becomes stale. I guess there is nothing quite like your first cadaver.

While I was, quite honestly, shocked at how much story was tucked away into the corners of this game, the main thrust of a shift at River Fields is identical from night to night. I would have loved to see some alteration to the formula on subsequent shifts, but other than digging into story bits or experiencing new hauntings, Rebecca's new nightlife is static.

In updates, the developer has talked openly about their wish to update, expand, and grow the game. I enjoyed my brief time in The Mortuary Assistant, and will return when there is more to uncover.