Knack 2013

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 11, 2019

First played

September 6, 2019

Platforms Played


Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Graphically gorgeous, one of the greatest-looking launch games of all time - but rather vapid gameplaywise. I'd be lying if I said those impressive visuals didn't mostly push it over the "good" edge for me - but every other bizarre, perplexing, and/or stupid choice made here ends up making this feel more novel. There's a strange cozy atmosphere to be found here, and the sense of size-shifting is as rad as advertised. Its sequel improved upon it by nearly every metric, and I certainly won't argue that this is great per se - but it's a shame to see a pretty quirky and warmly familiar series' legacy relegated to unfunny YouTuber memes.