19 reviews liked by ChronosEight

Starfield é um jogo incrível, que mostra o excelente trabalho da Bethesda. Ele é repleto de quests com histórias envolventes, que imergem o jogador em um universo rico e vasto. Oferece uma variedade insana de armas e equipamentos, que possibilitam ao jogador personalizar seu estilo de combate e explorar diferentes alternativas. Possui o melhor new game + que já presenciei na história dos games. Conta com um nível gigantesco de customização de naves e entrepostos para construir, que conferem ao jogador a impressão de ser um autêntico explorador espacial. Os gráficos são belos, com um excelente trabalho de iluminação e detalhes. É extremamente divertido, com um combate ágil tanto no tiroteio quanto nas naves. E ainda por cima, está no game pass, o que é um grande atrativo para quem quer experimentar essa obra-prima. Starfield é o melhor jogo que já joguei, e indico a todos os fãs de RPG e ficção científica.

If you ever played a Bethesda game, you know what to expect. But it's the best game Bethesda ever made. I really loved it and it was flawless on the Xbox Series X. Epic quests and companions , great sense of exploring a living world and a vast tech tree that allows you to build exactly the character that you want. Overall a fantastic game.

Eu não fazia ideia que precisava de um Interstellar Simulator até colocar as mãos nesse jogo. Muito obrigado, Todd Howard!!

Starfield é facilmente uma das melhores experiências que já tive com um game, foram duas semanas dormindo e acordando pensando nessa maravilha. O que mais me cativou nele foi a exploração, foram horas e mais horas pulando de planeta em planeta só pra chegar lá e ficar mais algumas horas apenas admirando a vista e procurando estruturas abandonadas (ou não tão abandonadas assim), pra alguns isso vai parecer extremamente tedioso, mas pra mim foram as horas mais divertidas que já tive em um bom tempo.

**E não entendam errado, em nenhum momento o game te obriga a sair por aí explorando uma caralhada de planetas, isso foi uma escolha MINHA! Vocês conseguem zerar o game tranquilamente sem a parte da exploração.

Skyrim is a timeless classic. A game that still has an extremely active player-base despite being almost 12 years old. It's modding community is insanely talented and dedicated, but I think mods get far too much credit for Skyrim's success.

I have always been a vanilla player. Each time I tried to use mods, my games would break/get corrupted, or I would keep searching for more and more mods to add and then just get bored and stop playing the game. I don't know why but vanilla Skyrim just has that "magic" to it, where I can play endlessly over multiple characters and still be entertained each time.

I understand the complaints about the combat, but I've always enjoyed it and didn't think it was weird or incredibly clunky. It's much simpler to combat in games nowadays, but I prefer it that way. I don't enjoy characters sprinting around like lightning and using overly flashy moves and combos, just give me a sword and let me hit people with it.

People who say that Skyrim has a terrible story probably haven't payed any attention to it. It's not an incredibly story, but in no way is it bad. It's deeply connected and intertwined with the lore of the world, with an explosive opening and satisfying conclusion.

The world design of Skyrim is top-notch as well. It manages to be incredibly open, detailed, filled with content and also not a slog to travel through. The world feels alive, although a bit small. It also helps that Skyrim is set in the world of the Elder Scrolls, which I believe to be the best fantasy universe ever created. It's incredibly interesting, not too confusing, surprisingly realistic and (mostly) free from plot holes and other bullshit.

Nothing else seems to capture lighting in a bottle the way Skyrim did. And now with the release of Anniversary Edition, I can play through all of the creation club content, as well as re-experience all the epic, wonderous and nostalgic moments of this masterpiece.

“What is better—to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”Paarthurnax

Yakuza 6 is a fantastic conclusion the Kiryu saga. Scaled back a bit from 5, Kiryu is the sole playable character, which I think was the right descion as he is the main character and this his finale. I would consider Yakuza 6 one of my favorite Yakuza games but it does have on inherant big flaw and that is the combat. The combat isn't bad per se but it is easily the worst in the series and for it to be the end for Kiryu that kinda sucks. This was the first game on a new engine and I think that is the biggest reason why the combat is lack luster compared to the games that came out before it. One of the coolest things about Yakuza's gameplay are the million context sensitive moves you can preform in battles based on whats going on. The previous games all kinda shared the same ones and reused a lot of them but with each new game more and more where added and by time of Zero and the Remakes hit there were a ton. Unfortunately with Y6 most of them are gone now and they didn't add a lot of depth to the combat. I like the powered up mechanic they introduced but I miss the crazy cinematic heat moves.

When it comes to everything else though Y6 brings it in spades. Onomichi is a fun new area to explore and Kamurocho is geat as ever. Onomichi was a refreshing change of pace, harking back to the Y3 days of atmoshphere. The size is good but I do wish there were more shops and places of interest there. When it comes to the new characters I liked them a lot. The supporting cast was great. The villian while not the best was fine in his execution. The story for me is the real highlight though. The campaign was very fun. All the moments with Kiryu and the baby and him trying to find out what happened to Haruka was very engaging. I really loved the plot and the endgame for Kiryu in Y6, it's pretty much what I wanted from the start of the first game. A perfect and emotional end and a fantastic send off for the series lead Kiryu. The whole last third and ending was so damn satisfying.

I find it amazing how even after the additions that came with the following games, all of them still fall short in comparison to the very first one.
This one has it all, an amazing soundtrack full of bangers (Heat to be filled with, All for one and Dead end are good examples), excellent voice acting, both in japanese and in english (well, Puru's is not always the best, but Kamille's, Jerid's, Scirocco's and Domon's are extremely good), beautiful maps (like the Mausoleum or the Satellite Elevator) and a fun combat system that isn't too fast, nor too slow.
The Official Mode is good and has various iconic battles from the original Gundam trilogy (the A Baoa Qu battle always left an impact in me) and the Original Mode... well..
It's simply amazing, a bunch of teams consisted of various characters from different Gundam animes. Good missions with great battles and fun and sometimes even emotional interactions. There isn't a single bad team in the game, but the best one is easily Domon's, consisting of Domon Kasshu, Milliardo Peacecraft and Elpeo Puru, it has the best moments, best battles and best interactions.
The only real complaint I have with this game is the outdated cutscenes (but that is more a product of aging than anything else) and the relatively short cast.
Unfortunately, the games with a bigger cast fuck it up. DWG2's battles consist of an RNG fest with few good moments, DWGR is also fun but it doesn't have the same charm, and I haven't had the chance to play DWG3.
This game was my childhood and it still holds up.

Definitely my favorite game.
The way you gradually manage to progress, understand how the weapons and passives interact, the charisma of the NPCs, the secrets hidden in the Gungeon, the references and the fact that even killing the past there is still a lot to do, that makes Enter the Gungeon one of the best games I've ever played, really fun, with a huge replay factor.

I love this game <3

Maybe my favorite roguelite of all time