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32 days

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September 19, 2023

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January 2, 2022

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This review contains spoilers

I’m so happy the Apollo Justice Trilogy (as Capcom is calling it) wrapped up so nicely. The last two games were fine but nothing like the peak of the original trilogy but this games final case (not including DLC) might be one of my all time favorite cases.

All the other cases ranged from good to a little bad but pretty much any case in Kura’in was fun to dissect. It’s interesting to take Phoenix and Co. and put them in a literal kangaroo court. Also the lack of focus on Athena this time around felt great since I only tolerated her in the last game and found her more annoying here sorry 😰

As for newcomers, Sahdmadhi is a fine main prosecutor, serving his purpose well, but Rayfa is the clear standout in my opinion. Her arc throughout this whole game was great to witness, and even if they were a little botched sometimes, the seances of the victims last moments was a very fun idea.

Alright but c’mon man when are Apollo and Trucy gonna find out that they’re brother and sister, the tease at the very end is literally killing me dude they have to find out soon PLEASE capcom don’t fail me now that you’re releasing the new trilogy.