This game is like interesting? The story is kind of not there and combat is the most bland thing ive played recently. Combat only exists to waste your time as you get a ton of healing items that you'll never spend. Combat costs healing items to go through while also giving one as a reward usually, so there's no reason to do any combat. This is a slight problem when the game claims these wolves are terrifying, yet a tiny little girl can just kill one in a few hits with no issue. They're also extremely easy to avoid so they just feel completely pointless as yeah they're not a hindrance nor do they give any reason to fight.
Also the twists I saw a mile away lolz


This is a B-movie rpgmaker horror.
I won't lie and say I had no fun though, The story was interesting and it did get me with some twists. Even had some foreshadowing that I thought was neat at least.
I think it is very nice though to be able to quicksave whenever

Kind of a good fishing game, final boss was alright but could've been more really just a slightly bigger fish. Although 25 fish (And fish descriptions) for around $60 is kind of worth the price and can recommend