Pretty fun psuedo Risk game with a pretty unique unit linking mechanic for area defense. UN was always a joke just like real life.


Zelda + Animal Crossing + FFXIV?, paired with rather lackluster execution.

It's admittedly cozy and the NPCs are cute, but... you basically just chop trees and mine stone so you can furnish your house on your own. And, maybe you fish? Maybe you talk to someone else? The end game is also apparently just buying rather expensive clothes and pets with real money. I don't find that to be particularly fun.

I originally played 18 Wheels of Steel as a fetus. Good times, but SSDD.

TFW you've got 5 Heat cops on you, and you run into an active race with 5 Heat cops on them. 👀

This game and Airland Battle should have never existed. Red Dragon should have been the only release. But, suppose it is an iterative process.

An honestly pretty decent RTS with real enjoyable territory capture and occupation visuals. You don't use the FPS mechanics all that much, though.

Ain't even that good, but the shower scenes are pretty hot, though. Marie's Minut bikini is also super cute.

Doesn't help that you have to do some voodoo magic to get it on Steam but 🤷

This ain't it chief. Those player houses got some funky sex dungeons from what I saw. I swear.

Lalafell sing/dance-along sessions were pretty dope, though.

One small step and all that. Was decent enough and had some well made Command and Lunar modules.

An absolute pain to find and remove all the bolts, but it's still pretty cool to see the inner workings of WWI and WWII aircraft.

Pure childhood energy. Rest Well, Earnhardt.