Really bad but I finished it, that's got to count for something right?

Wow, did a playthrough for youtube and spent 99% of it regretting everything. What an absolute travesty, funny though.

Very fun adventure game, played it with a friend and laughed all the way through.

Me and my friend died 50 times each, it was a very satisfying bonding moment. Game was a good port too.

Although it's one of the worst games ever to exist, you have to play it. Just do it.

I liked it as much as I like any Bethesda game, it feels like a fallout game in the future.

The exploration is marred by the amount of loading screens you have to sit through to fly to a different galaxy, land on a different planet, take off from the planet again because there's nothing there and so on. There has to be a better way to do space travel in a game that feels like I want to never be in space.

You spend half the game doing broken menial tasks because you play a military trained janitor working for an evil corporation, creatively named 'The Corporation'. It's amazing.

Budget FPS with a story I didn't follow whatsoever, shooting people was fun though.

Thoroughly enjoyable budget FPS game that I couldn't complete because of constant crashing during a mission halfway through the game.