Even going into it, I looked at this like an appetizer for the real Arkham 3. It's serviceable, excels at some things but boy. Fuck off with the Joker. Hijacks and ruins the game. The dead Gotham City doesn't help. Not even a single drunk wandering the streets, huh?

Frustrating. Should be masterful but has so many annoying quirks. Held back even more by the worst writing in the series. Not that it was flawless in prior entries but it's laughable here. It's like some thrown together fan fiction. wHaT iF dUh JoKuH WuZ iN BaTzYs BrAiN aLl DaY

Alexa, play So Much Pain by Ja Rule

Solid gameplay but completely soulless. Got a lot of comparisons to the Arkham series at the time and yeah, I'm sure they based combat off of it. Which is a fine idea but why not just play the better version?

I enjoyed the web swinging and uhhh, the goofy social media loading screen messages. It's fine but similar to the Captain America game a year earlier, it's a cash grab movie tie-in. You face like 40 different named villains that are just some diarrhea colored reptile.

Some of the most overrated writing in video game history but the most playable Grand Theft Auto around. Keep cheats handy given there's 3-4 police cars on every corner at any given moment. Unbearable but at least you aren't entering the cheat every single time like GTA V.

This isn't the best game ever made but it is better than Assassin's Creed.

The first left too much of a skidmark for the much improved sequel to matter. This is however one of the very finest games on the PlayStation 3.

You can explain about all the cringy shit when you realize 2K Czech was involved.

Still a pretty solid little experience. Breezes by. The open world isn't meant for exploration but you can stumble upon some neat details and entertaining A.I. if you fool around. Gunplay is still weak. There's nothing to it. I remember thinking the melee was so deep and I'm just out here holding X down and watching the A.I. make a fool of itself.

4 needless porno mags out of 5.

Goes without saying this has a serious issue with repetition. Evened out by the most satisfying combat this series has ever seen and one of the best story presentations ever.

The DLC are far better than the snoozers from 2 even if they're ill fitting. At its best with story missions but still. Mowing down rednecks in the bayou is tighter than ten toes in a sock.

Played one of these, you've played 'em all. Can't believe they're still using cutscenes from like 2010. Universe has been the same for a decade now. Showcase has always stunk. These games stink.

A nice looking game, plays "OK", I suppose. It's a remake of a game from like 2001 so the story is non-existent. You have like 4-5 characters. This huge mafia organization that relies in like two guys to do everything. One of the main characters "Sam" is a complete blank slate, the other "Paulie" is a lonely doofus who's somewhat likeable. Tommy leans towards blank but inoffensive. The mission format is tired, could use some variety. Why not add that unused boxing mission from the first game back in? Most of this is driving slowly or shooting in cover. I thought I was walking into the best Mafia and came out with the worst.


My first playthrough as a grown adult I believe.

Considered docking this for the cringe Rockstar humor. Although I do think this game is pretty funny at times. The big punchlines (HUHUH INCEST!) aren't funny but the random NPC banter is good shit. The open world is still one of my favorites. The random chaos happening across school campus is hysterical.

I only found 1 mission to be flat out bad/poorly done. Maybe not all compelling and some simply shouldn't have made the cut (ie. the weird pervert ones) but I wasn't struggling. The story's a bit of gibberish because the main character Jimmy Hopkins is a flat out dumb fuck. On one hand his character is embarrassing but on the other it's a unique experience. How often do you play as a complete, bumbling moron? Albeit one who can destroy an entire school with his bare hands.

I feel like I should have more complaints but I thoroughly enjoyed my replay of this game. Alexa play What More Can I Say

I always found this game a bit off. I played it at a pretty young age too. It's incredibly grim but yet goofier than shit. The comic book cutscenes and voice acting are like out of Dick Tracy or something. One minute your infant child is getting blown to bits and a level or two later some goon is going, "huhuh Max ur a Payne 2 the Max! Get it!? Haha!".