Really wish that old guy would just fucking retire already instead of showing up every year to tell me how Pokémon battles work


FNAF: I have millions of fans and I'm only an indie project

P.T: Bitch please, I have billions of fans and I don't even exist

Oh hey you wanna mess around with this new character you just got? well have fun because despite being unlocked late into the game they're still level one so you have no reason to play anyone that isn't Luffy!
Seriously why the fuck does a fighting game have rpg level up mechanics?

This happened to my buddy John once

I swear this just spawned into existence one day and everyone started making fun of it. Like 0 trailers or prerelease hype despite belonging to one of the biggest IPs of all time. Like what the fuck?

Haven't played but it's by the Genshin people so I know the score is accurate

OK, after my first log was a joke about Link getting assaulted by tentacles which became my most liked review by a mile, I've finished the game and am now ready to give an actual review.

Yeah,'s a masterpiece.

If you're one of the people claiming '70$ DLC' then you're either wrong or have played some BOMB DLC in your past because this experience makes BOTW look like a tech demo. Pretty much every issue I had with BOTW is improved here from the new slip resistance you can build up to the main dungeons being wayyy better. Not to mention the insane shit you can do with the new mechanics such as fusing and building. I've only scratched the surface of this but you've probably seen the insane (and probably genital shaped) stuff people have been building with this on social media. The depths I'll admit weren't my thing because I really like seeing shit when I play a video game, Hyrule was still amazing to explore and ESPECIALLY the skies, fucking around on them kicks ass (Also I'm currently writing a webnovel that'll start publishing in a few months about sky societies wink wink nudge nudge) not to mention an overall higher quality of Shrines, I feel.

And the story is also great. Yeah, people prefer the more lonely nature of BOTW, and I get that. But I honestly loved the more upbeat tone and interacting with more people and helping them with sidequests. Not to mention the main story, where you see the progression of the BOTW cast and see them interact in new ways in a believably aged world.

Overall, it's what everyone expected. You really, REALLY owe it to yourself to play it.

Gameplay was whatever but the score comes from the fact the games multiplayer wasn't compatible with download play. Fuck you Nickelodeon that wasn't needed.

Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.

You guys think the devs behind this game could have predicted the things that would come from it? Like the return of the franchise, three characters in Super Smash Bros, and the red angry bird from the hit mobile game going on social media and openly declaring his desire to fuck one of the characters?

I am legitimately begging Capcom to put these genuinely amazing alternate costumes in something other than a barebones gacha cashgrab

2010 sounds dope as fuck, can't wait

Rate it 5 stars for free access to heaven

Dragon Ball game Devs when I want to play a story mode as Goku and not some guy Goku calls a cool dude

Can someone explain what chain of events led to Nintendo thinking i'd be interested in playing this to the point they remind me it exists whenever I turn my switch on?