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I really should be loving this. Obradinn is a really cool game, with a great aesthetic, with some great whodunnit stuff and is all about environmental storytelling and such, and finding out who did what via logical deduction using a scant set of hard clues is legitimately fantastic.

Sadly, it's also a game that I feel neglects QOL stuff to an extent that has worn me down quicker than is reasonable. There's just a lot of little things that really add up to frustration for me. Chief among these is not being able to switch flashback scenes quickly - you have to return to each corpse to start each sequence, and whilst you can often go forwards, if you want to cross reference people and things - which a dumbfuck like me requires - have fun wandering around the ship constantly around places you've already been to. On top of that, there's things like being unable to tie deaths to unnamed people, the ease with which you can end up following completely the wrong track and end up in an unrelated set of deaths, muddling things further than neccessary - it goes on. Just trying to observe the evidence feels

Frankly, my frustration probably boils down a lot to the sheer bombast and presence which it lends literally every death scene. When you fiirst find a body you'll get this 30 second long sequence where it blasts horns and strings at you whilst you observe - before you can practically do anything as the player. Then, if another body is in the scene, you'll go to that, then it will do another scene in the present before doing the same bombastic horns and strings, usually with exactly the same track, again. And again. There's so much emphasis on the wham moment EVERY TIME it gets grating fast, and what's worse, the extremely loud music (by the way, you cant adjust sound mixing and there's also voice acting where listening to accents is important so hahah fuck you if you want to turn it down) continues into your retreads of poking around the scene, which got on my nerves real fast.

The goddamn horns and strings being so damn loud as I tried to work out who the damn guy with the wooly hat is got to the point where it felt mocking, sarcastic even, like they had prepared this investigation to only take 30 seconds and i'm too much of a dumbfuck to recognise that the guy in the wooly hat is obviously the 5th mate or something.

And its such a shame, because the core here is wonderful and unique, and being able to poke around these split seconds of life for clues is fantastic. But it's simultaneously wearing me thin to the point where my enjoyment is filtered through enough boredom and frustration with the QOL stuff that it's not worth it for me.