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Time Played

5h 3m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 7, 2021

First played

April 21, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


(Note: This is a review of the Community Version. Buy the official release to support French Bread, but use the Community Version if you wanna actually find a match online)

Now, I've never read Tsukihime. I know absolutely nothing about the Nasuverse or Fates or whatever the hell a TATARI is. What I do know is what makes a good fighting game, and Melty Blood is a damn good fighting game.

Melty Blood's allure lies in the options it provides the player. When you pick a character, you can choose between 3 moon types: Crescent, Half, and Full. Crescent is balanced with tons of control over your meter, Half is for a more aggressive playstyle with less meter control, and Full emphasizes big damage with less combo potential. With 3 Moon types per character and 31 playable characters, the roster effectively caps out at a whopping 93 characters, meaning you’re guaranteed to find someone with the playstyle just for you.

The other draw to Melty Blood is its focus on aerial combat. The amount of maneuverability options at any given moment is staggering. Regular jumps that can be ever so subtly influenced, super jumps that can bound across the stage, an air dash that can be inserted before or after your double jump and depending on your Moon type, a dedicated dodge that works both on the ground and midair. The gameplay really shines when you and the opponent stop flying around the screen and you've managed to launch them into the air and pull off that sick air combo you've been labbing in practice mode for the past few hours!

The online is phenomenal as well. I'm from the Southern US and I had a match with someone from Europe, and it was so smooth I almost forgot I was playing online! You're gonna have to join the community Discord if you wanna match up with randos online, but with netcode this smooth you'll have no problem finding a game.

On the downside, there's not a whole lot of single player content outside of Arcade and Training Mode, so if you're not looking to play online, you're shit outta luck. But overall, Melty Blood is just so much god damn fun, and I already know I'm still gonna be putting in hours after this review.