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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 11, 2021

Platforms Played


Brigador is an isometric shooter which boasts an impressive selection of bipedal mechs, tanks and anti-gravity vehicles which can be outfitted with an equally impressive lineup of weapons which range from antitank guns and machine guns to more exotic choices such as lasers and corrosive gas.
It's important to note that this isn't a twin stick shooter, it can be controlled like one, but it's not recommendable. Tank controls are superior for more advanced play because vehicles tend to be vulnerable from the back and mounted weapons usually can't rotate 360°. This probably contributed to the game's lukewarm initial reception, but it adds much needed depth to the combat.
The bulk of the game's content are freelance missions which consist on procedural generated mercenary contracts of different length that usually involve the destruction of something as the main objective. The environments in Brigador are completely destructible and collateral damage is rewarded, it also facilitates certain tactics such as blowing up an apartment building to create a nice choke point. There's also a risk-reward system with harder difficulty pilots and crappier vehicles awarding more money at the end of a mission.
Finally, I would be amiss if I didn't mention the soundtrack. It's one of the greatest synth soundtracks in gaming and fits the game very well.
To conclude, Brigador is great and you should play it. I would recommend it to everyone who can stomach the controls.