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Time Played

18h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 20, 2022

Platforms Played


I'm surprised that Technobabylon isn't more well known because it's one of my favorite adventure games. What I like the most about it is probably the writing, the setting feels very fleshed out thanks to the news bulletins and the topics that characters discuss with each other. It feels like there's a lot more going on in the world than what's immediately apparent. Not to mention the voice acting is rock solid.
Besides that, the presentation is good enough to prevent pixel hunting and most puzzles are straightforward, so Technobabylon manages to avoid some of the most common shortcomings of point n' click adventure games. Some puzzles even have alternative solutions so that's neat.
What I didn't enjoy about the game is how depressing it can get. I guess that's an inevitable part of the experience since it's a cyberpunk setting, but it's just demoralizing how almost every character in the game is some sort of degenerate. I guess I'm ok with this sort of thing as long as there's a based dialogue option, but the game might be a bit too serious for some.
Anyways, Technobabylon is great and I totally recommend it. Could even be a decent introduction to Cyberpunk video games in general.