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Time Played

50h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 20, 2022

Platforms Played


XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a reboot of the original X-COM: UFO Defense, one of the most influential PC strategy games ever made, but that sadly never had very successful sequels.
Whereas the original was more akin to a simulator, Enemy Unknown is closer to a SRPG like Fire Emblem, and I think that's neat because I like games like that too. It's also way more accessible since there's an in-game tutorial and the UI is easy to understand.
The trade-off, however, is that the game's complexity is significantly reduced so it's impossible to do cool things like play hot potato with a live grenade, bring 12 soldiers and 3 drones into a mission, build multiple bases or make millions by selling laser weapons anymore. Also, in the original, Aliens would set up bases and go on missions just like the player so they felt more like an intelligent enemy with goals of their own.
Despite the general streamlining, some depth has been added to the game in the form of classes for soldiers each with their own set of skills and weaponry. I also don't particularly miss some mechanics from the original such as limited visibility during night missions and bleeding.
Overall, I would say XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a great attempt at re-imagining a classic and I think it stands out on its own unlike many reboots and remakes.