I binged Dying Light during a weekend and I must say it's pretty good. The gameplay is overall a step up from Dead Island, and even though I miss the wackier weapons and enemy types, the parkour and main campaign more than make up for it. I don't miss the level scaling either, here you actually feel stronger as the game goes on.
The story is also better, but that's not saying much because Dead Island's story doesn't matter at all. Dying Light's is alright for a video game, but it's hard to take emotional moments seriously when you were dropkicking zombies off ledges just 5 minutes ago. Also, I have no idea what they were going for with the main antagonist, all those grandiose speeches have nothing to do with what he actually does.
Overall, I enjoyed Dying Light, the gameplay is really fun and it's one of the best zombie games out there for sure.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2022
