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With God as my witness, I finally finished the remake in 2024 and what can i say? Nier kinda blows.

It feels like a bunch of Big Emotional plot points strung together with nothing? No time in between for the player or characters to ruminate on whats happening, we're too busy going to the next Sad Event.

Emil nukes a fucking village and 5 minutes later no one gives a shit. Forget that ever happened, we can't sit around and contemplate, we're too busy going to a Wedding!

Maybe that's the point and I'm being a bit mean, but it just all feels so transparently Depressing for the sake of being Depressing.

It feels like watching an episode of anime condensed down to 5 minutes on youtube, all of the conversations and side characters removed. Just Deku fighting the baddie, because the punching is all that matters.