Log Status






Time Played

7h 46m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 19, 2022

Platforms Played


Easily one of the best COD campaigns ever. Finally freshens up the formula a little bit and I really enjoyed it. Takes to the futuristic setting very well and things like hacking devices or seeker bots are extremely fun to use. The wallrunning was completely unnecesary and isn't even implemented into the game's levels so why even introduce it lol. The cutscenes are really amazing and the acting was top notch as well. Dialogue for this game is very well written and the characters are very memorable (except the villian who barely shows up). Some of these missions are so cool like there's one that was really unique where you were on an asteroid that has a super short day night cycle and these killer robots switch on and off every few seconds as the asteroid rotates, felt horror akin and really enjoyed it. The setpieces are gorgeous to look at and it does really take the space setting seriously and we get missions on planets across the solar system. Enjoyed doing side missions as well and the spaceship combat is surprisingly well done and super fun for something I thought was going to be a one off thing. Ending was great, man such great characters :'). Definitely play the campaign.