A while back I traded in 3/4ths of my Xbox collection. "Injustice" was the only one I regretted and repurchased. I really, really like this game. The roster is good, the fighting is punchy, and the physical comedy of putting your opponent on a trebuchet and flinging them through the lit torch of a giant statue is funny in a Sideshow Bob "not the elephants!" kind of way. There's a lot to it, and it's a good time.

I just couldn't get into this one. I bounced off Black Flag, too. Maybe I'm just not an Assassin's Creed guy.

I played the 360 version, and it's pretty good! I liked the first one, and this is more of the same, though a little bit jankier and with a crafting system that I didn't really engage with. And Lara rules - loyal, dedicated, tough, I really liked playing as her. Good stuff.

Decent levels, good bosses! A totally good game.

Fun, but the later levels become about pixel-perfect platforming, and the platforming just isn't where it needs to be for that.

The King Kong game recontextualizes the movie into a first person shooter, but the plot is exactly the same: your crew goes to Kong's island and immediately regrets it. It's an atmospheric jungle primeval full of dinosaurs and giant bats and other assorted horrors, and you move through it on a mostly linear path. You only find weapons one-at-a-time with limited ammunition, roughly enough to keep things tense but manageable. The combat can be clumsy (though I suppose one could argue that that's the point), but frequent save points keep it on the right side of quality-of-life history. You also get to play as Kong himself in third-person for brief sequences, smacking other giant monsters around. The combat here is even simpler, but it gets the job done. It's a short game, and even then the loop starts to wear out its welcome near the end, with limited weapons and enemy types. The frame rate isn't great either, frequently getting choppy. But all-in-all, it's a fun romp, and definitely worth a play. This is probably as good of a King Kong game as we'll ever get, so if that's what you're looking for, bon-apetite.

It just wasn't grabbing me. The original "Jet Set Radio" is one of my favorite games ever - was it actually bad, and I'm just blinded by nostalgia?