1 review liked by Cookie

Peaks of Yore is a game I knew I would love from the moment I picked it up, and it has very much delivered on all fronts. It's charming, exhilarating, and devilish. It's not hard, per-se, but like Getting Over It, it requires no small amount of nerves, patience, and perseverance. Not long after starting, there will be timed sections (from "crimp holds" and other, similar obstacles) and precision jumps, many of which you'll have to make without a safety rope. Add onto this that many of the game's peaks can take between tens of minutes and several hours to summit it's obvious why the game tells you to pack a light heart. I've found that, after I run out of ropes, run out of safety nets for myself, I will often go through several difficult sections right in a row with almost no difficulty. It is in these moments, where everything is at stake but you feel calm, weather the storm, and come out on top, that the game shines.

I will say, though. This game is stressful to me in a way no other game has ever been. It is a unique feeling, but it is extremely taxing. Not for the faint of heart.

At the same time, there is a unique calm that comes from revisiting older levels (something this game encouages and rewards you for doing) and blowing right through them. It is a marvellous sense of progress, usually echoed only in fighting games and roguelikes. You understand with your own eyes and hands just how much better you've become.