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Cookie completed Left 4 Dead 2

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Cookie backloggd Felvidek

6 days ago

Cookie completed Solar Ash

6 days ago

Cookie is now playing Bread & Fred

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8 days ago

8 days ago

Cookie reviewed Baba is You
Easily at the top in terms of puzzle games, not much more can be said, incredibely clever and charming, I got to the basic credits on my own, though I know the game has a lot more to offer with even deeper and crazier puzzles.
My only huge gripe with this game is that even upon "solving" the puzzle, which is knowing what you have to do and how to arrange the words, the difficulty comes not from that but from planning out how to push the blocks around in the correct sequence so you don't get stuck or push something in a corner. It just introduced some tedium and dullness, where you have to plan out a long sequence of exactly perfect moves, to its merit there are usually a couple solutions to a puzzle so you're never stuck with a limited ruleset and can approach things creatively. Another minor issue is the game doesn't always explain its concepts properly so you can use them adequately in later puzzles. A lot of the times I had moments of "I don't know why that worked and I have no way of finding out why"

Despite all that, this is such a fantastic experience, its great to play with someone as you try and figure out the puzzles, a lot of the time the obstacle is yourself overthinking the puzzles, which makes stumbling into the simple solutions really satysfying.

8 days ago

Cookie backloggd Fable

9 days ago

Cookie backloggd Perfect Dark

9 days ago

9 days ago

Cookie backloggd Mixtape

9 days ago

Cookie backloggd The Big Catch

10 days ago

10 days ago

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