5 reviews liked by CookieCruise

I love survival games and after finishing Grounded this was a cool new little indie to play. We only played 7 hours so far, but after the full release we will come back to it.

One of my favorite games, I LOVE the flying! I remember using it to study owls flying as a kid, same goes with the movie!

As a kid I ate these books up like nobody's business, they're a huge reason I learned how to read in the first place, so playing this game when it came out was the most surreal fucking thing my brain could imagine. It's not great, but I played it over and over and loved every second back then. Something I still find cool is how certain elements and characters from the books that weren't adapted into the movie got adapted in here; it really made it all feel more connected.

This is SO niche but I played this game into the fucking ground. Story was interesting with how it played around the movie, but it wasn’t my favorite. It WAS super cool that they integrated Streak, nice nod to the books.

If anything, I wish players could’ve explored the great tree but oh well.

Finally getting around to Bowser's Fury, what a great little unique 3D Mario adventure. It uses the same mechanics as 3D World, but incorporates it all in a well-sized sandbox with collectibles and challenges to complete. A small story where Bowser Jr. needs your help to stop his dad, and turn him back from being basically a kaiju. I can really see the future of 3D Mario borrowing ideas from this little side-game, because they're very well implemented and fun to traverse. If you haven't already, play it in the 3D World dual pack until the next major 3D game!