480 Reviews liked by CoreyLand64

I fucking hate U.S. imperialism

Would have been a 4 but the soundtrack makes it a 5

"The ape is back, in his first action game ever: Donkey Kong Country. What makes this game so remarkable is that it's the first game created with fully-rendered graphics. What the heck is "fully-rendered"?

To put it in a nutshell, fully-rendered means that the characters and all other graphics were created by computer modeling from all sides and angles of the object. Thus animation is totally complete and uninhibited using any view of the object. The technology is not incredibly different than that which was used to create the dinosaurs of Steven Speilberg's "Jurassic Park", or the wonders of "The Mask".

One of the best examples of the 3D rendering in this game is the water level. The shark also known as "Chomps Jr." is an INCREDIBLE sight. The animation of everything in the game as well as all the backgrounds were created with rendering techniques on the silicon graphics computers.

This amazing new technology, discovered at Rare by Nintendo's Tony Harmon will be the next standard in video game animation and graphics. This technology marks a new era.

The programmers of Donkey Kong Country were able to stretch their creative minds since Donkey Kong doesn't have a particularly detailed history. The main idea of the story is that you're trying to get back the bananas that were stolen from your stockpile. Kong, Diddy are the main monkey characters, but throughout the travels on the island of Donkey Kong Country, you will encounter several characters that are extremely diverse in personality.

From an ostrich named "Expresso" to a rhino named "Rambi" the game is endless thrills and is certainly destined for greatness. Cranky Kong, the star of the original game and also DK's grandfather, will give you advice throughout the game. He thinks you need it!

Hundreds of bonus levels result in a game that will never be boring. The music also adds a lot to the game. PLAY IT LOUD IN STEREO DUUUUDE!!!!! You can buy the music on CD from Nintendo, if your Nintendo isn't hooked up to a stereo system. Cranky Kong remembers music in the old days. But Donkey Kong is TRULY with the times (so to speak). His music is great for listening, just pause the game to hear the music without the game's sound effects.

Speaking of sound effects, you'll notice the quality of the echoes in the caves and Donkey Kong's ape noises.

Donkey Kong Country is TRULY perfect. If you do not get this amazing new generation of Donkey Kong madness, YOU ARE STUPID! Yes, I know: that's insulting, but it's also the truth! If you are a true video game fan, you'll not hesitate in the slightest bit to buy this remarkable piece of video game history!

Bottom line: get it NOW! The graphics are an example of a revolution. Play control is very responsive and monkey-feeling. The challenge is high, because you must often pass several hard levels to reach Candy's save point. The 2-player game option is AWESOME. Since you can press A to let another player play. What's even cooler, is the way the game lets the next player pick up where the last player died without interrupting gameplay. If you want the other player to play, just press A. These features and so much more make Donkey Kong Country the game of the decade!"

OOH OOH AAH AAH EEH EEH (eats banana...)

An extremely pointless entry into the Penumbra franchise. This game is NOT a survival-horror like the first two games, this is a puzzle game that just happens to have been adopted by the Penumbra series.
All sense of horror in this game is gone as there's no monsters or looming threat. Instead, the horror actually comes from the horrid platforming and quite confusing and cryptic puzzle designs. The only decent segment in this game is the classic Donkey Kong homage where you have to climb up to the top of a structure avoiding explosive barrels (yes you heard that right) but every other puzzle was either "what the hell do I do now?" or "damn it not another platforming segment"
The story is a mess. Penumbra: Black Plague tied the story together nicely and then here comes Penumbra: Requiem which raises more questions than answers and just makes no sense to begin with.
At least the game is short and the voice acting is still great, but literally every game by Frictional Games has good voice acting.
I'd only play this if you want to own/play all Penumbra games otherwise don't waste your time.

this game starts off quick but i think is a bit limited in terms of what you can do, the quests make this game more linear than terraria (which it shares many elements with) which is nice, but it feels like it's lacking in content a bit. overall though it was enjoyable! kind of like a smaller terraria, fun to play with a partner

a midget fortnite danced on me than caved my skull in with a hammer

A fun medieval hack and slash but perhaps a little too competitive in it's combat. It's build a character system is really fun though.

You can smell the body odor of the sweaty chuds that play this game through the screen

Good for approximately 27 seconds.

Crusaders fighting vikings to decide who's more cringe.

The bane fights suck but the rest is kino

A really good atmosphere that uses a lot of darkness to create tension, it has a good story but it really needs you to read the archives to understand. I confess that I expected more from the horror part, since I remember well that this game made youtubers jump with fear a few years ago, some would say it was because it was dated, but it doesn't make any sense... at least for me, this one game is still very modern.

I remember enjoying this, and it definitely got under my skin once or twice. I think the lovecraftian vibes and the gloomy setting stuck with me the most, although I don't find the story super interesting in hindsight.