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7 hrs ago

P0laris completed No More Room in Hell
There's no disputing this is fundamentally flawed in far more ways than one, and yet I find myself returning to it year after year. Yes, the jank can sometimes be frustrating, and some maps pale in comparison to others, but what's undeniably great is this game's atmosphere. It's slightly tainted by the less than stellar voice acting, but that doesn't stop me from getting immersed thanks to the hypnotic ambience and memorable soundtrack. I'm not sure how much of the game's sound effects were recorded by the devs or just ripped from a royalty free library, but regardless a good portion of what's here has either been well executed on their part or intelligently assembled considering their circumstances as a dev team.

This was originally a mod, later released as a full standalone title on steam. The massive map pool, weapon variety, survival and objective based game modes, and workshop compatibility shapes up to be a ridiculous amount of content for a free title. Its slower pace and unforgiving combat can be a tough sell for the uninitiated, yes. But pushing through those janky, difficult beginnings, reveals a title brimming with passion. That passion shines through even to this day. As of the time of writing this, the game was updated 5 days ago. It's inspiring that this game exists at all, but what really seals the deal is that unwavering dedication to a game over a decade old at this point with its sequel nearing the horizon. Even so, its replacement will undoubtedly cost at least 20 dollars. Successful or not, the original title will always be there, free to download. It's just a matter of a few clicks and a few friends.

3 days ago

3 days ago

P0laris completed That's Not My Neighbor
It's kind of stupid that I played this before Papers Please. Cool game though.

3 days ago

3 days ago

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