178 Reviews liked by CozartMonopoly

i'm not a fighting game nerd so maybe this sucks more than i think it does, but i loved this game tbh. it's so wacky and silly, characters like pac-man and mega man are cool and fun, seeing tekken characters re-imagined as street fighter style fighters is super cool and feels surprisingly good! being not amazing at fighting games made this a bit easier to get into than tekken, but i still think i prefer the base gameplay of tekken slightly more but this game is still crazy fun! but all the style and wackiness of this game really puts it over the edge for me. i really really wish that they ended up doing tekken x street fighter i feel like it would have been so absurdly badass.

idk this is like the best traditional fighting game ever made i guess

this game is really really fun, but it looks like shit and is lacking in content compared to most other fighting games, especially ones in this series. the story was fun though, i'm a sucker for a stupid fighting game story.

there are few video games stylistically that compare to this, and then having the gameplay actually fucking rock on top of that is cool!

this is far and away the peak of the traditional fighting game genre for me. it's gorgeous, has an awesome roster, and i was super invested in the story mode. that final fight was so fucking sick! i like fighting games but none of them have truly grabbed me like this game did, i have such a strong urge to lab out combos and get better. this game really does everything right for a fighting game to me, and i'm so glad i finally gave these games a shot. tekken 8 can't come soon enough!

xenoverse 2 is better... but i have a lot of memories of grinding this with my friends so i like them similar amounts. maybe that'll change if we ever get into xenoverse 2

yea i mean, it's overwatch! i genuinely think they made a whole lot of improvements and very clearly understand what made the original so fun in its prime. stuff like 5v5, removing lots of stuns and shields, and the new characters feeling interesting and fun! junker queen is like a top 3 fun character to me right now. it all leads to a much more fun experience and generally flows significantly better. i was worried it would make tanks annoying but it seems balanced shockingly well right now. it's overwatch so there's always potentially for it to get ruined but as of right now that is good!

while the game is in the most fun state it's been in a long time, it's also on a surface level not very different. they slapped a 2 on what is a glorified update, a pretty major update to be fair, but still just an update nonetheless. i think if this was marketed as a big update and not a sequel it'd go over slightly better (although overwatch and blizzard as a whole is such a laughing stock it'd be getting crazy shit regardless) but obviously they'd get way less eyes on that. it's a stupid little number but marketing wise it clearly works.

the new cosmetics system is rough. the biggest knock for sure, and while it doesn't personally bother me since i've been playing since launch it's rough for the new player experience and i can acknowledge that. i'm pretty content with all the stuff i have, but it is a bit of a bummer that i can't realistically get any new skins without spending real money. the battle pass system inherently just doesn't work as well here as it does in other games. you just won't care about half the characters. not that you're super gonna care about everything in like the valorant or fortnite battle pass but at least it's universal in that game. if i don't like a character like moira and the big reward is a skin for her, that's just a full 2 months of a battle pass i don't care about!

i wish it looked a bit better, considering it's a "sequel" 6 years after the original it looking borderline identical and just changing the time of day of existing maps is pretty stupid! ideally they'd at least add some sort of randomness to it and it cycled.

this is all without the context of PvE to be fair, which ideally will be sick and make this game feel more worth while, but for now it's still just overwatch. nothing is really gonna change your mind! if you loved overwatch in its prime give this a shot, but if you never really clicked with overwatch this is basically the same thing just improved from the terrible balance updates the original game had later in its life.

this is probably the closest i'll ever get but i don't think i can every truly fall in love with a tactical shooter. i've had lots of fun with this game, and it'll be in the boot up with friends rotation for a really long time i imagine but something about tactical shooters just will never click with me. i think part of it is a general single player bias, and most multiplayer games that stick out as amazing to me are co-op. but even then there's some exceptions and on paper it feels like valorant should be one! but idk, i don't even really have a lot to say about the game itself i'm just kinda rambling about game preferences at this point.

it looks good, some characters are fun and some aren't. it's a very serious game and that's cool but it's hard for me to get incredibly invested into a game seriously if i just don't feel that great about it! something like melee and overwatch 2 i get a big competitive drive to grind but this game i just am not into enough. that's not to say i haven't had fun, i've just never really made the push past unrated and even there i generally have a more silly "let's have fun!" approach. doing well feels good, and improving is satisfying but it just never really hits the peak of other similarly competitive games to me. really can't pinpoint it, this is a bit of word vomit but i was just reflecting on this game a lot lately especially with the release of overwatch 2 and how much more fun i've been having there.

i can't be THAT mean to this game, it's like an hour and a half long and is a cute little experience, just not one that really grabbed me or anything. seeing the little lego builds was cute, but the story wasn't all that great (not that it was trying to be a masterpiece but still.) and the puzzles weren't very satisfying or great. some even got a little frustrating/annoying by the end and part of that is on the controls. to be fair, i think playing this on PC would 100% be ideal but the mobile controls were pretty janky and annoying. i can't imagine controller is much better.

this also isn't really my exact kind of game, and i didn't have a terrible time but i was hoping it'd be a bit more charming or the puzzles would be a bit more interesting to feel super worth it.

Resident Evil 5 racism allegations walked so Hammerlock's dlc could run.

I can't believe it took me 7 years to understand the pun in the title, I hope you are in pain at this very moment Randy Pitchford (not for the dlc mind you, but because he is a terrible person).

Some of you will never know. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW. This trained me for my future with dead end jobs and serving cocaine.

Alright, who's the funny guy who made this?