180 Reviews liked by CozartMonopoly

marvel had no idea what they unleashed by letting capcom of japan draw psylocke sprites



WET is a nice idea but a bad execution, its one of the games that uses the "piss filter" and it looks really bad.
The story is poor and soulless, the only good thing about the story is Rubi, she looks cool but has a butter personality. The gameplay is good (when it wants to work properly). Let's say its a combination between maybe Stranglehold/Max Payne (the shooting) and Prince of Persia (the wall running and climbing) but its a bit of a stretch.
I liked the 2 chapters on the highway where you jump from one car to another, the sections where Rubi enters in her Rage vision and everything turns Red, White and Black, and... thats about it?
Oh the soundtrack was nice too, i would've went with something more metal to make it feel more alive, but i dig the soundtrack, its alright.
The Platinum was kinda awful because i had to finish the game 5 times and this is not the kind of game you want to ever replay:)))

A fun little game if you like Judge Dredd that hasn't aged the best. It's short length is something of a virtue as the gameplay was somewhat limited.

"This rampant consumerism makes me sick!" - Judge Dredd

A short and simple game about Judge Dredd. Nice variety of levels and it was fun to enforce the law. Got a couple giggles out of arresting fat people and one of the charges was "Obstruction of a pathway". Good game!

I looooove this guilty gear so, so much.
Like, it might actually be my favorite one, unironically.
Where can I start.
Ok for starters. GG X on the go. Awesome. Why should I care in the year of Christ 2024? (happy new years eve btw :D)
Well maybe you should start by admiring the sheer ballsiness of it all. They wanted the arcade game on the go, and they published the (almost) arcade game on the go.
The movesets come straight up from the first X version, so no reload nor accent core stuff understandably. They got almost all their supers and instakills in, which, dare I say, pretty fucking impressive honestly
There were limitations, obviously. The gba couldn't render the same instakill explosion from Faust's, so they went and reimagined the entire move in character. Making a character be quirky in a 3 inch screen ain't easy, man
Now, a character such as Potemkin? He's so massively chunky he doesn't lose as much detail, he's still even got defined muscles and shit.
Now May?
She straight up loses her face
Like, 0 facial expressions. Zero, nothing, nada. A blank slate, as empty as a child's homework notebook past third grade.

And yet it fucking works man
By taking away those features, you start appreciating all the animations so much more for what they are. What they show of the character. These little guys don't even have voices, and yet even if you had never played a GG game before, you could get to know the characters just by how they move. You could learn that may is somewhat clumsy yet strong, learn that millia probably wants you dead quick and clean, learn how dizzy doesn't even want to fight you.
All without a face. neat.
The music? I love the music so much too...
They are the same arcade songs, played very rudimentarily with the gba chips. They are guitar songs being played without a guitar.
And idkw but I kinda fuck with that desire to keep stuff as true to the original vision as possible. Plus, I even like how they sound, they are different takes on songs I already love anyways, more is more.
The stages are a shell of their true versions, and yet it doesn't matter because they are not the main focus here. They even make the characters stand out more, which I think is good for a, again, 3 inch long screen.

Overall, I guess the main reason I like this, the reason I care about this so much is that the development team cared about this, too. A lot.
They tried so hard to make this good. It shows in every small detail: The custom character colors, the additional 3v3 mode original to this game, there being secret characters (!!)...
This is the most honest attempt to gba guilty gear they could make. It reminds me a lot of other indie games, mainly stickman games. Limited art style, limited music, limited SFX... And yet, with the potential to be incredible games.
Does the ai suck ass? Yes, a lot. They don't even push buttons half the time.
I don't care about the ai. I care about what this game represents. I care about how you can make something memorable, not perfect, but memorable, as long as you try so hard your love for it shows.
And I think that fucks.

i dont even mind Iori infiniting me in the story mode just because of the way he says "then DIEEE" being one of the funniest things i've ever heard. worth playing just for the voice acting and seeing cowboy Virgil. this game is also way faster than i would've expected for a 3D transition in a primarily 2D series, gotta appreciate it for that. plays like butter.

another linear pro nato slop i won't bother talking about much

ending was meh im glad they killed off the mw series with the most shittiest one and then the reboot and black ops made the call of duty franchise into a cow being milked dry, i will replay mw2 once i get the chance

I rented this game back in the day when it came out and had fun with it for a few hours before I felt the game got repetitive. This was not a bad effort considering it was an early-gen title with limitations but I thought the use of the Simpsons license was well done and driving around Springfield was fun and interesting despite early hardware limitations.

One things I appreciated over the obvious Crazy Taxi comparison is that this game allowed for more breathing room and thus it was easier to explore the surroundings.

this bitch really think she kim kardashian

The hard life of a luxury car collector and his abusive girlfriend. It's a great game.

this how people drive in western Europe

Far better than the second, dynamic with real gameplay ideas, a few short but very good.

I had never seen nor heard of Galaxy Fight prior to three weeks ago when someone I follow retweeted a gif of Juri bumrushing a literal child and kicking him in the face. At the time, I was refining a design for a character of mine who is a kickboxer, and seeing Juri cave a young boy's face in was a potent hit of inspiration. I had to play Galaxy Fight, and while I could download an ISO and burn it onto a CD-ROM, I instead shelled out about 35$ for a used Japanese copy because I just had to have the real thing in hand. Juri's thighs are still selling this game today.

Galaxy Fight is pretty barebones. Keep in mind that my fighting game literacy sucks, so when I say that I didn't find much here to differentiate it from your typical mid-90s fighter, someone more intimate with the genre may find a lot more nuance. There's nothing wrong with that either, fighting games of this era were great and even a very average one makes for a good way to kill a three-day weekend. However, this also makes Galaxy Fight a hard sell to anyone buying up genuine copies of old games (certainly not an American copy), though I suspect if you're serious about collecting you're probably accustomed to paying more than a game is reasonably worth. Look, I get it. I bought a copy of Mario Party, I have a sickness of the mind.

But maybe you don't, maybe you're a reasonable person and just want a good fighting game to play in emulation. In which case, Galaxy Fight is a much easier recommendation, as its aesthetic design and overall feel makes it worthwhile enough to spend a bit of time with. Combat feels very punchy, responsive, and carries just the right amount of weight. It's especially satisfying to launch an attack from a sprint thanks to the way characters truck across the screen, there's a good sense of momentum and force behind it. In terms of how a fighting game should feel, it checks all the boxes for me, even if it may be lacking in depth.

Setting aside my obvious Juri bias, I also gel with the way the rest of Galaxy Fight's modest roster looks and plays. Kouta Kita - who passed in 2017 - may be better known for Waku Waku 7, whose roster Roomi could effortlessly fight in with, but I think I prefer the designs in Galaxy Fight more. Not that I'm against cute things, but the darker, more sci-fi driven aesthetic resonates with me more. These designs translate well to sprite art, and even on the Saturn, Galaxy Fight is graphically impressive. Character pallets change to reflect the lighting conditions of the levels they're in, watery surfaces look convincingly wet thanks to some excellent reflections and shimmering effects, and parallax scrolling is used to create scope to great effect. I also love everything that's going on in Roomi's stage.

Plus, it's got Juri, man. Juri.

Although Galaxy Fight isn't the most innovative fighter of its time, it's still perfectly competent at what it does, and fun enough for what it is. I'd also like about 15 bucks back, maybe 20, but whatever. Whatever! I've made my bed, and it's filled with dusty-ass Sega Saturn imports.